For fat free cooking. That's how I roll! Per 1/4 Second Spray Serving: 0 calories; 0 g sat fat (0% DV); 0 mg sodium (0% DV); 0 g sugars. Shurfine Butter Flavored Cooking Spray is the ideal way to pan-fry, bake, roast or microwave cook without the need for additional shortening, butter or margarine. Use on pans, griddles, baking dishes and utensils for nonstick serving and easy clean up. Shurfine Butter Flavored Cooking Spray is ideal for preparing eggs, pancakes, waffles, meats, fish, casseroles, muffins, cakes, cookies, stir fry vegetables, pasta and much more. Featured Recipe: Pecan mini rolls. To download our inspiring recipes visit www.shurfineinspires.com. Quality guarantee. Steel.